Lesions of inferior members in athletes of feminine basketball: the repeated occurrence and its causes

  • Nicole Vignochi Programa de Pós Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio. Licenciada em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
Keywords: Recurrence of injuries, Basketball, Lower members


The basketball is a practiced modality in a dynamic way and with frequent contact among the athletes, that, he/she becomes it causes of a high number of lesions. Studies demonstrate that the members inferior are the more affected in that sport. This study had as objective, to identify the indexes of repeated occurrences of lesions in the inferior members and its possible causes, in athletes of feminine basketball, juvenile and infant-juvenile category, living in Rio Grande do Sul states, in 2009. 87 basketball athletes were questioned, with age among 15 and 18 years, that play the at least 3 years and they at least 8 weekly hours. It was applied as research instrument, a composed questionnaire for 10 subjects of multiple choices and descriptive that elapsed concerning the historical of each athlete's lesions during the sporting career. It was obtained as result, that the type of more common recurrent lesion went to torsion with 22 cases (47.8%). The anatomical segment with larger number of recurrent lesions was the ankle with 24 cases (45.2%). The turn advanced to the trainings after the first occurrence of the lesion was the most frequent reason of the new occurrence (13 cases). The lack of medical search was also significant mentioned by the athletes (12 cases). in spite of not understanding all the factors they expose the athletes to the lesions, the results of that study emphasize the need of the athletes' care in the recovery phase as a planned form of avoiding the new occurrence of the lesions making possible a better acting.


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How to Cite
Vignochi, N. (2011). Lesions of inferior members in athletes of feminine basketball: the repeated occurrence and its causes. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 4(20). Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/239
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