Changes in cellular damage and oxidative attack markers in mice submitted to swimming overtraining

  • Joaquim Ferreira Antunes Neto Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)
Keywords: Swimming, Oxidative stress, Creatine kinase, Lipid peroxidation


The exhaustive exercise promotes increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inducing lipids and proteins oxidations of cell membranes. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlationship between the lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and Creatine Kinase (CK) plasma levels in mices submitted to swimming training and overreaching sessions. We used sixtymices like "Balb-C",obtained from theCenter of Biotery-UNICAMP.The animalswere divided into3groups (n = 20): control (CO), training (G-T) and overreaching(G-Over).TheG-T performedprogressive training, beginningwith sessions of10-minutesand finishingthis step with60-minute sessions, whichlastedthree weeks.TheG-Over, after conducting the training sessions mentioned, had an increase in the number of daily training sessions (up to 4 times per day). The G-Over training lasted two weeks. The results showed significant increases in CK levels for the G-T (36,8 ± 5,35 U/L; *p<0.01) and G-Over (98,4 ± 4,39 U/L; **p<0.001) compared to CO (18,7 ± 0,75 U/L); the same as for TBARS: G-T (5,5 ± 0,6 nmol/mL; *p<0.01) and G-Over (10,76 ± 0,75 nmol/mL; **p<0.001) compared to CO (2,66 ± 0,81 U/L). In conclusion, we observed a high degree of correlationship between the CK and TBARS plasma levels (c=0.978), suggesting that the use of measures of CK, a parameter more accessible and simple, can be an important tool for modulation of training loads.

Author Biography

Joaquim Ferreira Antunes Neto, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)

Licenciado em Educação Fí­sica (UNICAMP, Bacharel em Treinamento Esportivo (UNICAMP), Mestre em Educação Fí­sica (UNICAMP), Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular (Departamento de Bioquí­mica - IB - UNICAMP), área de Bioquí­mica. Coordenou o Laboratório de Estudos Multidisciplinares do Estresse - METROCAMP.


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How to Cite
Antunes Neto, J. F. (2012). Changes in cellular damage and oxidative attack markers in mice submitted to swimming overtraining. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 6(33). Retrieved from
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