Correlation between total volume and markers of muscle damage after eccentric exercises with different intensities in protective effect of charge

  • Mariah Galoza de Azevedo Universidade Iguaçu Campus V, Itaperuna, RJ.
  • Alvaro Dutra de Souza Centrolab
  • Pierre Augusto Silva Faculdade Redentor
  • Victor Magalhães Curty Faculdade Santo Antônio de Pádua - FASAP
Keywords: Strength training, Muscle damage, Adaptation, Eccentric exercise, Pain


It is known thateccentric exercisecausesdamage to themicro-architecture of the muscle fibercausingpainand decreased range of motion until 96 hours after the exercise session. Objective: To investigate the correlation between the volume of aneccentric exercise at different intensities in the micro-surrogate markers of muscle damage. Materials and Methods: In a randomized crossover design14 healthy men (25±6 year sold,174 ±7cm height, 72 ±6 kg body weight) participated voluntarily in the study and under went two sessions of two series of unilateral biceps curl (phase eccentric) until volitional exhaustion at 75% or 130% of 1 repetition maximum using the non-dominant limb. We used agoniometer measuring the plastic range of motion. The subjective perception of pain was measured from a visual analogue scale on palpation and the maximum extent. The variables were measured before, immediately after, 48 and 96h after exercise. MixedANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare variables and if necessary post hoc Bonferroni. The level of significance was p<0.05. Results: Significant reduction of the ADM with a difference between the intensities. Significant increase in the perception of pain on palpation and elbow extension with no difference between the intensities. There was no significant correlation between the total volume and ADM or the perception of pain in any of the intensities. Conclusion: The effects of eccentric exercise are more pronounced the higher the intensity, but these effects did not correlate with the total volume.

Author Biographies

Mariah Galoza de Azevedo, Universidade Iguaçu Campus V, Itaperuna, RJ.

Bacharel em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade Iguaçu Campus V, Itaperuna, RJ.

Alvaro Dutra de Souza, Centrolab

Especialista em Análises Clí­nicas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Pierre Augusto Silva, Faculdade Redentor

Mestrando em Bioengenharia pela Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, São José dos Campos, SP.

Victor Magalhães Curty, Faculdade Santo Antônio de Pádua - FASAP

Professor de educação fí­sica, pós-graduado em "Aspectos Biodinâmicos do Movimento Humano" na UFJF. Mestrando em Bioengenharia pela UNICASTELO - SP, docente na Faculdade Santo Antônio de Pádua - FASAP, no curdo de licenciatura em Educação Fí­sica.


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How to Cite
Galoza de Azevedo, M., Dutra de Souza, A., Silva, P. A., & Magalhães Curty, V. (2012). Correlation between total volume and markers of muscle damage after eccentric exercises with different intensities in protective effect of charge. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 6(35). Retrieved from
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