Comparison of high total load and number of repetitions in two training sessions with and without visual deprivation

  • Thiago Alves de Jesus Centro Universitário Gama e Souza, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil.
  • Felipe da Silva Triani Centro Universitário Gama e Souza, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil.
Keywords: Strength Training, Exercise, Force


The aim of this study was to compare the total number of repetitions and high total load with and without visual deprivation in the front pull exercise with 100% of the load measured in the 10RM test in men who practice weight training. The sample consisted of 15 healthy men with regular weight training three times a week in the last three months. There were significant results in the total number of repetitions. We concluded that there were significant differences in all parameters analyzed and that training with visual deprivation can be an excellent strategy adopted in weekly training routines, which seek to improve performance both at a high load level and increase the number of repetitions with a specific load.

Author Biography

Felipe da Silva Triani, Centro Universitário Gama e Souza, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil.

Mestre em Humanidades, Culturas e Artes - UNIGRANRIO.


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How to Cite
Jesus, T. A. de, & Triani, F. da S. (2021). Comparison of high total load and number of repetitions in two training sessions with and without visual deprivation. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 14(91), 467-472. Retrieved from
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